Our expert theft protection Locksmiths have compiled some of the best advice and tips for home protection while you are on a vacation. This is because coming home from a vacation, cruise or honeymoon can be quite the gloomy event. But heading home and seeing that your burglars gained access into your home can be extremely devastating.  Read on to learn more about how to protect your home and valuables.

Almost every one of us has heard a story about a family getting back home from a lengthy vacation only to see that something has gone wrong in their home during their absence. These sort of issues may be quite expensive to sort out and may result in huge amount of stress.

The good news is that there are lots of steps you can take which provide theft protection when you are out having fun.

Our local locksmith technicians have compiled the tips below to ensure your house is safe. This means you can feel really comfortable while you are not home. Although some of them might need some sort of investment, these tips would save you a lot of stress in the long run.


A home security system that consists of window and door sensors is your home’s first point of defense against a burglary. There are systems that give you the capacity to monitor by yourself.

But when leaving the country or heading to a location without adequate connectivity, phone alerts would not be useful. With a great system monitored by experts, the alarm company will reach out to the appropriate authorities in the event of a breach.


Do not leave any information on your social media, answering machine, voicemail or email autoreply that shows you are not at home. Although uploading vacation pictures can be tempting, it’s safer to hold on till you are back home.

If you must upload anything, ensure only your friends can view any of your uploaded pictures and do not state the precise dates you won’t be available. Leave your normal answering machine or voicemail message. Also ensure your work or personal email autoreply text is vague.


Burglars have the tendency of going in through dark areas that are not visible to your neighbors and passers-by when searching for a way in. you can brighten up these dark areas by fixing Outdoor security lights in areas prone to burglary.

This could consist of the side of the house or back door. Lots of models are either motion activated or only light up when it’s dark. This means you don’t have to bother about using excess energy while protecting your home from theft.


A video doorbell gives you the capacity to answer your front door from any location. Every time your doorbell rings, you will receive an alert on your phone so you can view and talk to whoever is at your door in real time.

Even if you are in a location without service or you are in a very important meeting, you can view the video clips later. Some of these doorbells also have the capacity to work using motion detection. This means even if the individual does not ring the bell, you will still get an alert.



An overflown mailbox or bunch of uncollected newspapers at your doorstep are sure ways to tell no one is home. You can sign up on the internet to get your mails held at the post office in your locality free of charge for 30days. If your trip is going to take more than 30 days, you can make arrangements for someone to pick them up for you or set up mail forwarding.


Unplugging electronics that are not essential like fans, coffee makers, computers, lamps among others will minimize the possibility of fire and save you cost. The power utilized by electronics not unplugged even when they are not being utilized, sometimes called standby power, makes up for more than 5percent of the energy costs in most residential homes.

Ensuring you unplug devices will also safeguard them from electrical surges which can short out costly equipment or result in a fire. When you are not home, there is almost nothing anyone can do to deal with the fire in the event of a malfunction.


A bunch of security cameras strategically placed both in the internal and external part of the home can make a massive difference in offering burglary protection. You can go for motion activated models that send you video clips and alerts via your smartphone so you can take action immediately. This model of camera will also provide you with the capacity to check on your cameras remotely in real time and stream what is happening in your home life.


This is crucial especially when leaving the home for a while. Ensure you close the curtains or blinds in rooms that have expensive electronic appliances like TVs. Place DVD players and gaming consoles in hidden locations and ensure no one can easily locate all expensive devices and jewelry, cash, or credit cards. Also, you can install a safe for extra security if you don’t own one.


Having someone you trust to check your home for signs of burst pipes, break-ins, and other possible issues is a great choice. Ask them to move around your home a bit so it is obvious from the outside that the home is not empty. This can help in offering your home protection against burglary.

Before leaving for your vacation, any of these tips we have provided for you can be useful. Call Locksmiths Pros for an expert locksmith to come by and assist you.